Appointment Booking for a Car Dealership using Salesforce SchedulerSalesforce scheduler helps with easy booking of appointments. It can be done by both users within the organization and their customers. In…Feb 16, 2022Feb 16, 2022
Software testing A to ZThis article is aimed at providing individuals an insight into testing by explaining testing concepts as simple as possible. So let’s get…Jan 26, 2021Jan 26, 2021
Conference Management Application — Salesforce project (Part 2: Application functionality)Welcome back! In part 1 of Conference Management Application — Salesforce project we saw how to create a Salesforce application, create…Jan 15, 2021Jan 15, 2021
Conference Management Application — Salesforce project (Part 1 : Initial Application creation &…Salesforce as we all know is the world’s #1 leading Customer Relationship Management platform. And I was fortunate enough to start my…Jan 13, 2021Jan 13, 2021
Stock Analysis of 5 Major Industries During COVID-19 using TableauIn this blog, I explain my analysis on the impact of stock prices due to COVID-19 on select publicly listed Australian companies in…Jun 29, 2020Jun 29, 2020
14 types of charts in TableauThe Tableau tool helps creatively visualize a large number of data sets and is used by Data Analysts to predict, gather useful data…Jun 10, 2020Jun 10, 2020
Industry Use Of ForecastingBuilt on a strong foundation of statistics and dynamic systems theory, forecasting considers historical data and builds a model to help…Jun 10, 2020Jun 10, 2020